Booking Form
A Booking Form must be completed by each traveller before planning commences, including children and infants.
This ensures your details are correct from the outset.
NOTE If you do not have a current passport you can still complete the Form and check the ‘Waiting for my Passport’ box
Make a Payment
Use this link to make payment by credit card
Getting Ready to Travel

Read This Before You Do Anything Else
Travel has changed since COVID-19 emerged, and there are more things you need to think about when you’re planning your trip. Read through the step-by-step guide recommended by Smartraveller, to see what you might expect from the time you start planning your trip to the moment you arrive back in Australia.

Get Your International COVID-19 Certificate
It is recommended that you travel with a copy of your International COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate. Find out how to get yours here.

Check Requirements & Get Your Entry Visa
Determine and obtain the correct entry visa/s you will need for your travel plans.

Check Immunisations for Your Travel
Use this link to find out what health risks exist at your destination. Learn about immunisations, where to get them, receive health alerts and keep yourself informed prior to, and during your travel.

Find Out the Exchange Rate
It’s always good to know the value of the Aussie Dollar when you’re overseas. We recommend downloading the Currency App. This is free and can also be used if you are offline.

Sort Out Your Travel Insurance
Many countries now require travellers to have travel insurance as a condition of entry. Check how much it will cost to protect the money you spend on your holiday, as well as yourself while travelling. Comprehensive policies now include COVID-19 related cover.
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